5-20-11 Moving On to a New Destination
This week has been about reaching my destination....somehow I know this is just the start of a brand new journey....
Monday evening I had dinner with Mary, she was in a lot of pain from a muscle spasm in her back so once we got done eating I gave her a quickie 5 minute reiki on her back, she said she felt something move in her back and I told her to let me know what happened. I spent the rest of the evening working on wrapping things up at the old house. Jeremy and Andrew came over and helped me move the rest of the garbage to the curb, I ran out and got a screwdriver so we could take apart my bed, and I answered and ad to sell the washer/dryer since the new place came with one. I also posted to sell the fridge and the portable dishwasher from the tenants side so I would have cash to pay the kids who will help me move. I told Jeremy he can have the over the stove microwave. The excitement in me just building and building as each thing gets taken care of....
Tuesday evening I picked up Jeremy and his roommate Mike and brought them over to pack up my bed and make the plans with them for Friday. They were not able to help me Saturday they said, luckily I got several of my friends coming that day so I should be good. It's Sunday I am concerned about the most as I have to get up that day and disconnect and move my TV and computer and microwave alone. It was on my mind so much that when I got a reply e-mail from Randy I asked him if he would come over Sunday after work to help hook up my DVD and TV. I worried as soon as I sent that, wondering if it was going to be OK and so I prayed to God to block all that if it went against his will for the direction of my life at this time. For good measure I wrote to the POF guy to let him know that I was moving down there finally and would be willing to meet him, he was real happy about that and said to let him know as soon as I was ready. I wished he'd offer to come over and help out but then again we hadn't met yet, then again some other guys offered when they heard I was moving. One thing I am sure about that I want in my life is a man who will help me and take care of me a little, like my Dad did my Mom, and me even though he was a step-Dad. It's just annoying though most of all that as far as I have come on my path, as much as I have evolved on this path, when it comes to men and romantic relationships I still don't know what the heck I am doing!
But anyway Jeremy was all in a tizzy because that day he had been in a Pizza place and some guy, from a particular ethnic group, came up to him got in his face for no reason , mouthed off to him, swung at him and spat in his face. Jeremy said that he did nothing to this guy not then and not ever and he was real upset about how he had treated him. He said it took all restraint he had to not hit him. I got mad when I heard that and called him a name that refers to that ethnic group, and I told him I love many people like that but there are some who behave this way, have attitude and hate others only because they are not of their same ethnic group, those are the ones who this label was created for, not the others. Well I suppose no one deserves a derogatory label but honestly I wish I had a way to help stop this cycle of hatred. I also know that the right thing to do, the thing that Jesus would do is turn the other cheek, but me as a mother said: you better do something about this because you will loose respect and then they will all be at ya.. Something else I need to learn, how to figure out a peaceable way to protect yourself, and teach my son to protect himself, then again that's an age old problem.... In the end though I just told him , told them both, what they need is a fresh start in a new town, a better town and that I was going to show them all around Keyport on Friday....
Wednesday I got an e-mail from Randy and he said yes to coming and helping me Sunday so I said a quick little prayer to God to give this his blessing or to make it not happen and most of all his will, not mine to prevail. Shortly there after that I got a text from my realtor Mike saying that the C of O was approved! Whewww another hurdle I got over! I worked very hard at the office that day tying up loose ends reminding people to copy the group mailbox while I was out etc. I went home and packed my bike and a few things in the car to be ready for the next day.. I also decided to post a BBQ for Memorial Day at my new house, I wanted to stay close to my new town and go watch the parade and also to have a chance to thank those who helped with the move and show my place to others. It was a private invite though, the big party days of 175 were over ..I sadly had to turn down an offer of a band for the event due to the proximity of my neighbors. But who knows maybe I will end up finding a park nearby... LOL Also do you remember the woman who read this blog , ordered some Spiritstones for her surgery and turns out she lives in Cliffwood Beach? Well she posted to me last night in my Spiritual in NJ Group that she is just ONE block from my new home! How's that for amazing?
Thursday I got up and went to work, watching the minutes tick slowly by till noontime. My buddy Mike called me to chat for a bit as he's been really busy with his business but he wanted to thank me again for the little tool set gift I had gotten him for his new boat, he said it had bailed him out of several predicaments this week! I told him I am a psychic gift giver, I have always had a knack of getting just the right thing for people, I think because I stay in tune on an inner level with people I care about a lot, I mean sometimes I am off but not usually, and I have had some friends who are just as in tune with me too, it's really amazing to pay attention and benefit from the connections we have with others. Mike also gave me some good advice, some I already was applying but I can apply it even further, he said to be sure and not take any of my old junk I don't use or need down there with me or into that new home. Clean up, clear out and simplify he said and he is right! I shall be doing that, it made me make the final decision on if I really wanted to take the dresser and chest of drawers from my room, they had been Gus's (my ex husband) and the last pieces of furniture we had together. I also wrote to Randy to ask if he could bring over his moving dolly for me to borrow while I had a "crew" over, I told him I got the C of O and it was safe I felt to give him the address (you all saw all of this coming didn't you? what can i say the heart wants what the heart wants)
The pack rat guy called me just before noon asking questions on where to place the small one I had ordered to get the rest of my stuff in like the outdoor stuff etc. He ended up calling me three times! The last call was while I was driving and halfway down there to meet him, he said that my yard was muddy and went from the high grass and the truck slipped and he gave up. I was frantic! I told him I had a crew of people meeting me the next day and he had to get it down there! I told him that the ground was very solid but he had already headed home. I started to panic, I called corporate, I called my son, I had people coming to unload on Friday and Saturday! In the end Jeremy called them and got it worked out, I went down to the house and stocked the fridge with beer and soda for the next day, unloaded my car and went back up to take Jeremy to the house. He mowed the area of the yard and he pulled the carpet out of my living room and dining room and put it down over the mud. He is such a good son saving me and taking care of things like that, its been hard him being the son of a single mother but it's also made him amazingly helpful not only to me but to others.
Friday morning the truck came and got the pack rat with no problems. Just as he was leaving the driveway and I was getting ready to go I got an e-mail from my lawyer with a new proposal from the Township, most of it was good but they still wanted a large amount to be put in escrow. I told Tony to let them take the soil samples and yes I would have my insurance company take out the tank if needed but they can forget the escrow as I don't have it for them since I have to pay him and my realtor. Let's see what they have to say about that... I had no time to think further on that matter. Then I went and picked up Jeremy and his roommate Mike and took them for breakfast at WaWa and off we went to the house. They worked so fast and so hard that by the time my friend Mike from Improv showed up the pack rat was empty all except for my big screen TV! I texted Randy that I no longer needed his dolly and I went out and got us pizza. We all sat at my table and ate and talked and had loads of fun. My furniture ended up fitting a lot better than I thought it was going to also, the only thing is the desk is kinda big but maybe I can get something else later on. Before heading home I drove the boys around town. Mike loved it and I think Jeremy did too, they said for sure they will come visit me sometimes and stay over, as a matter of fact I am sure lots of my friends will! I dropped them off home and went to Lowes before heading home to rest for sat. Randy called me and we talked awhile, he said he had driven by the house last night and he was so glad that we were now neighbors, he said that's amazing that I saw you there in my dream last summer and I said yes see you did help me find a home! He told me he was off 4 days for Memorial Day weekend but he wasn't going to Vermont. I told him I had scheduled a BBQ and he was more than welcome to come to it and he said sure I'd love that! I said well between now and then I probably can use some help around the house too, now that I am down there alone and Jeremy is not moving with me. Sure sure I will come over and help you he said........great I said see you soon.....

At any rate I want you all today to think about where you want to go next, what destinations do you have in mind and what changes are you going to have to make in YOURSELF to get there? This has been a big year of change for me or I never would have made this move! A good quote comes to mind: What you get by reaching your destination is not nearly as important as what you will become by reaching your destination. ~Zig Ziglar
Think about it people........
With Love and in the Light, Cassie
R.E.M. - It's The End Of The World
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