6-14-11 Birthing New Beginings
Saturday I got up early and headed out to check out the town wide yard sales before the rain came. I had a blast, the houses are so cute and the people are so friendly. I got three seaside pictures and a starfish lantern for $5, chair pads for my patio furniture for a dollar each, a tin lighthouse that I can put a candle in for $3, and for only $1 I got a four foot purple fish! I think it will look nice in my reiki/yoga room, it even matches my lava lamp!

Sunday I was chatting with my older boy Dustin, he was disappointed because he found a house in Ohio near my father that he wants to buy but since he is not getting out for 9 more months they declined him. I told him not to worry that God would have the perfect home in the perfect timing and to trust in him. I told him that I didn't get what I thought I wanted at all but I couldn't be happier with where I am now, even the fact that I am renting. I reflected on the walk I took last night to the bay and how the road going up to the other two houses I tried to get was flooded, had I gotten them I would have had to go very far around, too far to be reasonable to walk to get to the bay. This was so much better, plus I pass Randy's Mom's house on my walk and say a prayer for her when I passed by...I worry about her there all alone and wish he'd let us be friends, she always liked me so, but we can't because of his "family" whom I bet never goes to see her. I got a call on Sunday morning from Jeremy and he had spent the night at the old house, no furniture, no electricity, and because the well pump was off no water either. He told me what happened how Rene had some to Wawa and called Mike pretending to be with Jeremy so he threw his clothes out on the porch and locked him out. So that why Mike was texting me at midnight I said well this is the third and final straw, I am skipping church and my date with the BON guy and coming up to move you out. I drove to Flemington and he and his friends and I got all his stuff out and took it to the old house and brought some to my house, I half hoped he would move in with me and half hoped he would not. He came down and fixed my mower and we took his friend to see some sights but he went home with them and only left a few things with me. On the one hand I am glad he isn't staying but I also need help sometimes.....dear God send me a man to help me fix these things around the house i prayed that evening. As if on cue Randy started e-mailing me, I told him I needed help with a light can he come over soon and he said yes, I am off tomorrow I said and he said I am off till 5...great I said just text me before you come over I have a couple errands to run....
Monday the Angel Card of the day was New Beginnings.....I went to get my car inspected for my new insurance and told them how I had moved there and felt uncomfortable not having my sons anymore, the guy there told me not to worry come in anytime they will look at the car for free and he put on the wiper blades I bought and didn't charge labor for that. I left there and was heading to the grocery store so I could get home and wait for Randy but a song came on the radio, a woman singing about I won't let you have my man....in that moment I thought, she's not going to let him out of her sight today ( I think she reads his e-mail he's dumb enough to not change his password frequently or log out) I proved to be right about that as he never texted or came over to help me, I never heard from him at all, I can't blame her though he chooses that over me everytime despite how unhappy he claims he is. By 2pm I prayed again God please send me a man to help me around here......I got a message from Shawn my ex-husbands high school chum and he asked was I looking for a roommate. I told him no I had found two, well to make a long story short though he is going to come rent my basement for awhile while he looks for a permanent place. I can use the extra money but I have lived with him before, we get along for awhile....(he cooks and he fixes things) but in time his slob behavior and my neat nick behavior butt heads too many times. But hey my prayer of help was answered! And in the evening I did end up having the date with the BON guy..it was nice..I wasn't all jumping for joy but I will give it a chance, he did pay for dinner and walked me to the car and gave me a little kiss... we both said we wanted to meet again.....
Wednesday is another long-total-lunar-eclipse time to make those intentions of what you want to see change, what new beginnings you want to birth in your life....... because like I said before, weather you want it or not, change is coming.......you may as well steer your boat a little .......but don't worry....a change will do you good.........
With Love and in the Light, Cassie
Sheryl Crow - "A Change Would Do You Good" b/w music video
My Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse Intentions, if according to God's will and perfect plan for all
- Spiritual Husband, the perfect match for us both and for the greater good
- Dept free but have all I need when I need
- to travel
- a promotion at work
- for my son's to find girlfriends and be happy
- to help others, with cassies co-opertive and cassies calendar and any other way
- a home with a water view someday
- clients for my Reiki practice
- give work shops to help others and earn money
From The Secret Daily Teachings
The process of creation is the same for all things, whether you want to bring something to you or remove something negative from your life.
If you have a habit you wish to break, or anything negative you wish to remove from your life, you must focus on what you want. That means you visualize and imagine yourself in that negative-free state right now. Imagine yourself in as many scenes as you possibly can where the negative situation is completely absent. Imagine yourself happy and free. Eliminate any picture from your mind of you with the negative situation. Just imagine yourself in the state you want to be in, and feel that you are that, right now.
- I will be a healthy weight so that I can hike and ride my bike far
- I will have plenty of money so that I can travel
- I will be paitent with all people and situations
- I will have lots of energy on 5hrs of sleep
- I will have a loving , giving, spiritual partner to share my life
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