3-21-11 Planting Seeds of Intention
Over the past few days I have been doing a alot of "seed planting", hanging out, spending time in thought and setting my intentions for what I want to come and celebrating the full moon and Vernal-Spring Equinox...
Friday Jermey and his roomate came over and helped to do more work cleaning out all the crap my tennant left at his apartment. Its shameful he left that mess for us. We made a fire and was burning what we could so as to not have too huge of a pile for the township to haul away. I decided that if this was letting go time in order to bring in the new time I had to be serious so I got the plaque someone gave me for a wedding shower gift, it said Riccioni house Est 1989. I had given it to Jeremy but he didn't want it, and I knew I didnt want it, so nice as it was, I felt I needed to burn it to offer up this old home so that my new one can come. I explained to Mike (Jeremy's roomate) about the full moon ceremonies and encouraged him to give up some things and to ask for what his deepest desires were. He shared that he wished he could own his own deli someday and I told him what a wonderful idea and I will help him wish for it. The three of us had a pretty good day, and 70 sunny degrees and went for burgers and ice cream for dinner at Stewarts which was always the tradition for the first day of spring clean up. Mike's really into the idea of moving down to Keyport too but Jeremy wants to travel around a bit...

I went up to bed and knelt and prayed, I prayed again about my money concerns and I felt him say I will get you some. I also prayed about Randy, and was upset with myself for getting upset with him again, and my quest for love in general, is it my fault? Do I push them all away with my britstles? But I felt he said no it's not you. That was the only answer I got. I went to sleep and as I was waking I kept hearing the song Sister Christian as I woke up so I got up and looked up the lyrics (see below) still trying to figure out what they mean to me now (if any of my readers have an theories and care to comment feel free).... But anyway I made it to mass and then headed over to a friends Jewelry party. On the way I was thinking how much my behind was sore from the bike ride the previous day and contemplating getting a padded seat but not knowing if I should spend the money when I saw a going out of business sale at K-mart...well I ran in there for 10 min and actually found a padded bike seat 1/2 off! I sure wished ask and you shall received worked this fast for me all the time! LOL But hey I have shopping angels and parking spot karma. Someone often pulls out right up front as I am pulling in and this always amazes my friends. LOL
So anyway the jewerly party was more fun than I expected. I don't wear jewerly and I don't really like going to those kind of parties but I love my friend Denise who was giving it and I really wanted to support her in her new venture, I promised to have a party for her too once I get settled in my new home. I was happy though when my friend Cecila came, because I am shy with new people belive it or not. We caught up, then she was going back to her Jam Session with her music group and she invited me to come so I did. I had a great time and she drug me up to sing a song with them and well I do love to sing but I am not good at it most of the time. They all said I did good and I sang 4 songs with them all together! I told Cecilia about my bike ride and she said she wants to go with me but she hasn't been on a bike in 40 years! Perfect I said cuz I go slow and easy and not far......yet...... We also talked of some of the fun things we did last summer and said we are going to plan some great things this year....just waiting for the weather to warm up a bit......
I ended up sending this picture to Randy saying they let me sing at a Jam Session today---that's so nice he said---did you ride a lot today I asked?---sure did it was loads of fun----I am gald you had fun, bet you are heading to the hot tub now---just got out he replied----I wish I had one about now my behind still hurts from the bike....but he had no reply. I am glad we can stay friends, there's a comfort in him that I get from no other...we really are soul mates, friendship soul mates.
I want you to think about the things you want to bring to your life and plant your seeds of intention now......what do you want to grow in your gardens of life this summer and harvest in the fall? You reap what you sow........if you didn't like last years crop try something new.........
With Love and in the Light, Cassie
Night Ranger - Sister Christian
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z92bmlcmyq0and to celebrate your blooming:
Edvard Grieg - Morgenstimmung
Sister Christian
Oh the time has come
And you know that you're the only one
To say O.K.
Where you going
What you looking for
You know those boys
Don't want to play no more with you
It's true
You're motoring
What's your price for flight
In finding mister right
You'll be alright tonight
Babe you know
You're growing up so fast
And mama's worrying
That you won't last
To say let's play
Sister Christian
There's so much in life Don't you give it up
Before your time is due
It's true
It's true yeah
What's your price for flight
You've got him in your sight
And driving thru the night
What's your price for flight
In finding mister right
You'll be alright tonight
What's your price for flight
In finding mister right
You'll be alright tonight
Sister Christian
Oh the time has come
And you know that you're the only one
To say O.K.
But you're motoring
You're motoring
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