3-28-11 Fate and Fee Will
I've had an interesting few days all around the theme of fate, free will and fighting "the plan"..perhaps some things I learned can help you on your own paths...
Saturday morning I woke up cold, went down to living room and saw the furnace wasn't running, went down tried to get the furnace running, realized I was out of oil. How in the world I burned through $900 worth of fuel in two months I had no clue, since I keep it low and only run it half the day or less, staying away from home as much as possible. All I know is I can't afford to get more, it's electric heat from here on out! Please God bring the warm weather sooner rather than later. Then I went to meet a friend for lunch and she paid for me! I was so touched because I know her budget is really tight, but she insisted on paying so I didn't want to cause her to miss a blessing so I gratefully accepted. I found it odd how my friend who has the Mercedes and just ordered a boat ASKS me to pay for him sometimes and this friend who has so little insisted.... I did get to do a good deed for the friend though she brought some of her Spiritstones she had gotten from me plus some of her own and asked me to re-charge them with Reiki energy for her so I did. It gives me great pleasure to give this energy to others as I know what good it can do.
Saturday night I had my first ever event that I was going to earn a little per person from the Venue. I was quite pleased with the deal they gave me, food buffet, drink specials, fee admission all for one price, and so were my people and they were pleased with the 25 people I brought them. A win-win-win! I hope to keep going with this once a month and bring them an increasingly bigger crowd, he said the room holds 325--if I could fill that once a month I could pay off my credit cards in 3 years. The guy from Craig's list with the daughter never showed though and I of course spent most of the night trying to not think about Randy (the event was very near his home) I really am hoping to find a man who will share his life with me and be my mate but I know until God is ready for me to have that, fate is just going to keep shutting doors in my face. This is not because he is a cruel God but because I turned my free will over to him when I was 12 yrs old and its a contract that I re-new almost daily because I know that no matter what plans of my own I may come up with, his plan for me is better so I want to try and follow it...
I had fun though going around talking to each group of people at each table and helping them to feel comfortable and to mingle with one another. I kinda like to feel that I am sort of like fates assistant, setting up situations to help bring people who are meant to be together around each other where they can meet and mingle comfortably. I had advertised this one EVERY where and had people from several meetup groups, my facebook page, and even Biker or Not! One friend I was talking to was Dave though and I told him the guy never showed from Craigs List, and he said oh well keep looking. I then asked him are you sure it's not Randy? See Dave has some psychic abilities of this his own........but he's not always right, but sometimes he is, so you never know for sure.... But on this one he was like no no no no no he doesn't want you he's just using you. And I am sure what he picked up on was true in the moment he picked it up, but things change....Course this had been the same sentiment of my friend the day before at breakfast I might add. On the man issue I am constantly torn on the tug of my heart against the reality that I and others see. So I went home alone like I always do but didn't allow myself to be sad, knowing and being content that I am doing God's work here and if he deems me to stay single so I keep doing this work then I am just going to have to make peace with it until fate changes things....if fate changes things.....
Sunday morning I woke up and had NO plans for the day, I had prayed to God for one of my friends to call me and ask me to do something with them. That didn't happen, and I am not the type to contact people, I have a very very small pool that I feel that comfortable with calling...but anyway as I was making my bed my little voice told me to contact Mary and to take part of the money I made last night and treat her to a movie. So I texted her, but she had already seen the one movie I wanted to see, so we decided to meet for brunch instead. While at brunch she told me of some "messages" that came to her early that morning: one was I would be fully moved in and settled in my new home my late may early June, that I was to leave Randy be to sort out his stuff and that by November we would be fully together, that there was going to be another earthquake soon, that president Obama was going to have a heart attack, that Jeremy could get diabetes in the future and we should monitor that..... I just said Hummmm. It was then she got a call cancelling her evening plans and she said oh lets go see a movie, I will even sit through the one I already saw if we cant find another.
We went and was trying to choose one, and her friend called and recommended one I had ruled out, but then I checked it out on my phone and played the trailer and so off we went to see the adjustment bureau. I know that I was meant to see that movie yesterday, it showed me what I have always felt inside and that is Randy and I belong together and fates assistants keep pointing us back together despite the fact that he and I keep putting up obstacles and road blocks out of our stubbornness and our hurts from the past. I do know if we joined our talents we could do MUCH, each of us has very strong traits and abilities the other lacks... We came out of the movie and Mary was so excited! See Cassie see I am not wrong on sending you back to Randy , I do see a vision of the two of you getting married someday... I told her how I kept denying him because he wanted a motorcycle/snowmobile riding gal..but on our first date he told me about all the signs that pointed him to me! We were just marveling about the whole movie and its message as we walked out and I checked my phone for messages..........there was a text.......it was from Randy: Im at da hook (sandy hook) it said...look I showed her! last week I was there hoping he'd show up and he headed to Vermont....go meet him she said....no I am leaving him be for now......fate will cross our paths when the time is right I am certain of it.....
I called and left a message for my son telling him I had to talk to him about his diet and risks of diabetes. Monday morning when I checked the news I saw Japan had another earthquake...........I don't know about you but I am going to listen to the signs.....
Today I want you to become more aware of what messages you are receiving and to try and follow the path that God wants you to take. Don't let fear or stubbornness put up obstacles to block you... you do have free will and you can go anywhere you want to go.....but if you listen to the angels and guides your path will be smoother and get you to the place you need to be so much sooner....... In the meantime take lessons and healing from whatever place you may be in....most importantly keep trying, you'll get it right in time.....
With Love and in the Light, Cassie
Olivia Newton John - Twist of fate
(T:19:2) "Every situation, properly perceived, becomes an opportunity to heal the Son of God. And he is healed BECAUSE you offered faith to him, giving him to the Holy Spirit & releasing him from every demand your ego would make of him. Thus do you see him free, & in this vision does the Holy Spirit share. And since He shares it He has given it, & so He heals through you. It is this joining Him in a united purpose that makes this purpose real, because you make it whole." ....The "Son of God" is US (son/daughter/child & the collective whole). Everything is an opportunity to heal because Heaven/the Universe is always working in ways to show us the way home. If you step back & see everything - every trial, every hardship, every joy - as an opportunity to allow healing through your faith, then each situation you experience becomes holy & perfect. ~from A Course In Miracles~
Give up to grace. The ocean takes
care of each wave 'til it gets to shore.
You need more help than you know.Rumi
care of each wave 'til it gets to shore.
You need more help than you know.Rumi
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